Mødedato: 21.08.2014, kl. 18:30
Mødested: Det grønlandske Hus, Løvstræde 6

Citylogistik: Letter of Support

Indre By Lokaludvalg skal tiltræde "Letter of Support" vedrørende en EU-ansøgning fra Københavns Kommune i samarbejde med andre byer om midler til at udvikle nye innovative logistik-løsninger.

Indstilling og beslutning

Formanden foreslår,
  1. at Indre By Lokaludvalg tiltræder et "Letter of Support" vedrørende en EU-ansøgning fra Københavns Kommune i samarbejde med andre byer om midler til at udvikle nye innovative logistik-løsninger. Se løsningsafsnittet.


Københavns Kommune er kommet med i en EU-ansøgning sammen med en andre byer som Barcelona, Athen, Pisa, Göteborg m.fl. om at udvikle nye innovative logistik-løsninger. Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen påtænker i den sammenhæng af nedsætte et godsnetværk, hvor man i fællesskab kan diskutere og afprøve nye innovative løsninger/metoder, men også løse hverdagens små logistiske problemer i København. Forvaltningen oplyser, at i byer som Göteborg og Malmø er der opstået meget velfungerende og brugbare netværk hvor, kommune, organisationer, repræsentanter fra transportører og industri samt universiteter mødes 3 gange om året.


Formanden har med forbehold for lokaludvalgets behandling af sagen tiltrådt "Letter of Support", da der var frist den 12. august 2014. Forvaltningen har oplyst, at der ikke følger forpligtelser for lokaludvalget med tiltrædelsen.

"Letter of Support
With the present letter, we hereby declare the interest and support of Indre By Local Comittee to the project NOVELOG (New cOoperatiVE business models and guidance for sustainable city LOGistics) within the Horizon 2020 programme under the call ‘Mobility for Growth’ and topic MG.5.2-2014 which aims at generating improved knowledge and understanding of freight distribution and service trips that could facilitate a Europe-wide take-up and rollout of validated, innovative, cost effective (non-vehicle technology based) strategies, measures and tools.

The NOVELOG project aims at:
a) providing guidance to implementing effective and sustainable measures and solutions for urban freight & service transport that anticipate the introduction of two mega-concepts: cooperative city logistics initiatives (‘Cooperative logistics’) and provision of incentives by the local/regional administration (‘Administrative and regulatory schemes and incentives’) for more sustainable and efficient urban distribution, and
b) facilitating stakeholder collaboration through the development, test and transfer of best governance and business models taking into account the specificity of the cities, and their take up on local, regional, national and European levels.
NOVELOG actions underpin the wider principle for sustainable mobility strengthening competitiveness, responding to the socio‐economic and environmental challenges of the urban transport systems and supporting economic growth and social prosperity.

Indre By Local Comittee is an independent district authority created by the City of Copenhagen. The local committee act as a link between the people in the central district of Copenhagen and politicians at City Hall. The Local Committee has worked for several years for city logistics solutions in the district.

We are interested in establishing and maintaining links between the project’s findings and results and our core activities and expect that we will benefit from NOVELOG’s outcomes during its lifecycle and beyond, taking into account the aim of the project is to expand beyond the project’s duration.

Best regards,

Bent Lohmann,
Chairman of Indre By Lokaludvalg"



Videre proces

Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen vender tilbage med et udkast til konsortium og en mødeindkaldelse til godsnetværket i løbet af efteråret 2014.


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